The first Compact Disc Audio Player in 1982 - Sony CDP-101 (世界第一部量產CD Player)
真的是太興奮了 昨晚原本只是要去前輩家朝聖一下這部1982年出廠 世界第一部量產的CD Player
順便想照幾張照片 回來與大家分享 怎知前輩大方出借這部絕無僅有的名機讓我研究個夠
今早忍不住興奮 出門前先拍了幾張照跟大家分享
待我這二天整理一下 再補充更詳細的資料給大家
如圖 型號為Sony CDP-101
說來好笑 剛開始把原版片放入測試時 一直看不到曲目數與總時間(面板只顯示個1) 一連試了五六片 狀況都一樣 以為在搬回來的路上 是否有什麼差錯 怎麼不讀片呀
結果索性按個Play鍵試試看 竟然就播放了起來
原來是讀取如果OK 就只顯示1 (第一首 ready) 如果讀不到片 承盤就會直接退出
哇塞 幾乎不挑片 剛才測的那五六片都可播 讀碟時間更是秒殺 天呀 狀況也太好了吧
可以分享的還很多 (這台真的是珍藏級) 雷射頭狀況超優(前輩說還可以讀CD-R <當然不是每一種CD-R>天呀) 還有原廠紙箱 保存了快30年 連紙箱都沒泛黃 真的是珍藏級呀
可以分享真的還很多 有興趣的同好 請密切注意唷
待續 .. (興奮中)
有關SONY CDP-101是否是世界上第一部商業量產的CD Player 請參考以下資料
The Sony CDP-101 was the world's first commercially released Compact Disc player.[1] The system was launched in Japan on October 1, 1982 at a cost of 168,000 yen.[2]
The Japan-only launch was partially due to Philips, Sony's partner in the development of the CD format, being unable to meet the original agreed launch date. Rather than agree a full postponement, Sony agreed to delay the launch of the format outside of Japan by six months.[3] The Philips CD100 launched in November 1982, [4] although early Philips players contained some Sony components.[5]
In line with the agreement, the system was launched worldwide on March 1983.[6]
On October 1, 1982 Sony introduced the CDP-101, the first Compact Disc audio CD player on the market at a retail price of about $900.
Stereophile對SONY CDP-S1的評論
YouTube上SONY CDP-101的demo